App For Gmail 1 1

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Gmail is available across all your devices Android, iOS, and desktop devices. Sort, collaborate or call a friend without leaving your inbox.' Gmail is an easy to use email app that saves you time and keeps your messages safe. Get your messages instantly via push notifications, read and respond online & offline, and find any message quickly. With the Gmail app you get:. Moxile 3 0 0. An organized inbox - Social and promotional messages are sorted into categories so you can read messages from friends and family first.

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Text lab 1 3 9 – a text transformation tools. The Gmail API is a RESTful API that can be used to access Gmail mailboxes andsend mail. For most web applications (including mobile apps), the Gmail API isthe best choice for authorized access to a user's Gmail data.

The Gmail API gives you flexible, RESTful access to the user's inbox, with anatural interface toThreads,Messages,Labels,Drafts,History, and.Settings.From the modern language of your choice, your app can use the API to addGmail features like:

  • Read messages from Gmail
  • Send email messages
  • Modify the labels applied to messages and threads
  • Search for specific messages and threads
  • Create filters to automatically label, forward, or archive messages

All you need to use the Gmail API is theclient library for your choice of language and an appthat can authenticate as a Gmail user.

Typical use cases

Final draft 11 0 21. The Gmail API can be used in a variety of different applications, including,typically:

  • Read-only mail extraction, indexing, and backup
  • Label management (add/remove labels)
  • Automated or programmatic message sending
  • Migrating email accounts from other providers
  • Set standardized email signatures for users in a domain
Note: The Gmail API should not be used to replace IMAP for full-fledged emailclient access. Instead, see IMAP and SMTP.

How do I find out more?

Use this documentation to start building a Gmail app today:

  • The client libraries are available for download inseveral languages and simplify making API requests.
  • The developer guide topics help you better understand how to implementparticular use cases.
  • The API reference gives you details on everyresource and method in the Gmail API.

API overview

The Gmail API is a web service: it uses a RESTful API with a JSON payload.This section provides a general overview of the API features and their use. Fordetailed information on the API's resources and methods, refer to the GmailAPI reference.

Key resource types

The Gmail API provides several resource types:

Messages and labels are the basic units of a mailbox. Drafts, history, andthreads all contain one or more messages with additional metadata.

Messages are immutable: they can only be created and deleted. No messageproperties can be changed other than the labels applied to a given message.

Labels serve as the primary means of categorizing and organizing messagesand threads. A label has a many-to-many relationship with messages and threads:a single message may have multiple labels applied to it and a single label maybe applied to multiple messages or threads. Labels also come in two types:system and user. System labels, such as INBOX, TRASH, or SPAM, areinternally created and cannot be created, deleted, or modified. However, somesystem labels, such as INBOX, can be applied to or removed from messages andthreads. User labels can be added, deleted, or modified by the user or anapplication.

Drafts represent unsent messages. The messages themselves cannot be modifiedonce created, but the message contained within the draft may be replaced.Sending a draft automatically deletes the draft and creates a message withthe SENT system label.

History is a collection of recently modified messages in chronological order.While the history is intended as a lightweight method of synchronizing a client,it typically only contains records of changes within the past 30 days. In somecases, such as when a client becomes too out of date, the client shouldmanually synchronize.

Threads are collections of messages that represent a conversation. Likemessages, threads may also have labels applied to them. However, unlikemessages, threads cannot be created, only deleted. Messages can, however, beinserted into a thread.

Settings control how features of Gmail behave for a user. Settings areavailable for POP and IMAP access, email forwarding, filters,vacation auto-response, send-as aliases, signatures, delegates, and language.

Auth and the Gmail API

Like other Google REST APIs, the Gmail API usesOAuth 2.0to handle authentication and authorization. Your app will specify one or morescopes: strings which identify resources that it needs to access. These scopesare used together with a set of tokens to secure a user's access to resources.A scope represents a particular form of access to a single resource or to agroup of resources, for example:

  • Read a message from Gmail (
  • Change labels applied to a thread or message(
  • Send a message on behalf of a user(

Although you can code the web service authorization calls explicitly, younormally should simplify your app by using the Google API client librariesavailable for many programming languages.

For more about using auth with the Gmail API, seeAuthorizing Your App with Gmail.


The Gmail API supports a number of fine-grained authorization scopesto allow only the level of access required. By requesting the minimumlevel of access required, users feel more confident granting accessto their mailbox.

Example use case

Consider the following use case: printing out a page of threads for thecurrently authenticated user (for example, in a recent messages panel).To achieve this, your app would perform the following steps:

  1. Authenticate as the user, using the scope.
  2. Call the API method.GET
  3. Process the returned list of threads in your app.

For actual example code, refer to the Quickstart for the languageof your choice.

App For Gmail 1 1 Password

Common uses

This section provides a very high-level view of how some common use cases can beimplemented. For more details, refer to thedeveloper guides.


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Sending Gmail messages

Emails are sent as base64url encoded strings within the rawproperty of a message. To create and send a message:

  1. Create the email content in some convenient way, which may depend on theprogramming language you are using.
  2. Create a base64url encoded string representation of that content.
  3. Create a new messageresource and set its raw property to the base64url string you just created.
  4. Call messages.sendto send the message.

Fetching received emails

Given the ID of an email, you can fetch the contents using thegetmethod of the Users.messages resource.

When you fetch a message, you can specify the payload format for the response.FULL (the default) format returns the entire parsed message in the payload field.MINIMAL format returns only the metadata such as identifiers and labels.RAW format returns the data as a base64url encoded string within the raw property.

Mail change history

Message changes are represented byHistory objects. Thestart_history_id property lets you set from what point you wantchanges returned. Some changes may affect more than one message and thusthe history representing that change will contain multiple messages.

Label management

Labels applied to a thread are also applied to all messages within the thread.If a label is deleted, it is removed from all threads and messages it wasapplied to. The messageListVisibility property is used to determine ifmessages with this label show up in the messages list. Similarly, thelabelListVisibility is used to determine if the label appears in thelabel list. You can use themessages.modify orthreads.modify method tochange the labels applied to messages or threads, respectively.

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